seo backlink building

How to Improve Search Engine Optimization — Backlink Building

SEO link building is an important factor in generating organic traffic, through search engines especially in this competitive industry, where every marketer understands the basics tricks of marketing. Today a marketer looks for quality and relevance which has become more important than ever before.

Although a low-quality, Spammy link building can work, they are not helpful in the long run.

This cannot be used in the part of the strategy of the organization that is using it for the long term.

These links account for 18 percent of how your business is ranked by the local searches.  This simply means linking your website to another website that helps the links contribute in a big way, and your business can rank higher in the searches.

Let’s see what link building is?

Link building in Seo or Incrementors digital marketing is the process that helps in acquiring the inbound links that link your website to another person’s website.

This link building helps in increasing the search engine ranking because the links show trustworthiness.

For example, when a blogger visits your website and writes a blog and posts it with a link, those links are known as backlinks and it is a part of the link-building process.

How does it work

A business uses these backlinks for many purposes, and there are many ways to acquire them. These are different pages on your website that others can also link to yours.

When they link back to you it is called the good link.

Editor’s Pick

Why should you care about link building? 

Links are most important both for organic and inorganic search engine optimization. They are also one of the major taking factors, also help in SEO content writing, once you get the inbound links it is even better than the backlinks.

We know how important backlinks are to that google can rank your website higher in the searches, and acquiring some known marketers – links are the most essential tool that helps you in getting better ranking. So if you wish to rank better in the organic searches do consider link building.

So coming back to the topic, what does all this have to do with the local searches?

-You need to find yourself the google search engine because,

-The customers what’s you there, as around 95 % of the customers learn about the online business than anywhere else,

-And around 60% of Americans use search engines to find websites through their phones.

How should I get started with link building?

Link building may seem like a handful of tasks, but in reality, it is not. Many marketers suggest the website sit around and wait for the marketers to link them back, but it is not something that should be followed.


Let’s talk about some dos and don’t of the link building :

—  Create content

The expert of link building suggests that creating high-quality content is one of the best tactics to build links. The Content can become old after a while, so here is what you can do so that your content can become interesting again.

If you post a blog that you had earlier put up and now what you can do is to update that blog as people forget the outdated blog and look for a fresh article and if you update the content it will look more appealing.

Similarly, you will have to update it without changing the existing URL, and the URL. Should be short and simple. Just by doing this, you can see big improvements in clicks just by renovating some of your older content with a few new updates. This will help in getting a real above in the search results,  as a result, the website will have more clicks.

—   Reducing Bounce rate

Since the bounce rate is very high for some. Website visitors switch to another website in a few seconds, therefore it is necessary to have a website that attracts them and makes them stay on your website. The best way is to clean your website and redesign your website, which includes no such elements that hamper the speed.

One of the most important parts of your content is that it should be placed at the top so that users instantly see the important part and land on your website. This increases your chance of getting linked by some  other markets

If we keep the website simple, attractive, and responsive it makes it easier for visitors to look at it.

—   Be natural 

Always remember that you need to add a link. To your website from every directory but there can be some which can be unnatural or unauthorized, such links are often not worthy of the trust.

As we discussed these are important in ranking the website, the search engine may put a lot of emphasis on ranking the links from such unnatural links that are not relevant to your location.

The content is more likely to be shared to a directory than a backlink to your website.

—  Some tactics may put you into trouble 

According to a review link building is one of the most abused ranking factors, earlier companies have used many tactics mile black hats, which is an old and outdated trick to acquire the inbound links in a short period.

These tactics do not work in the 21st century, as the matter has become Smart enough to differentiate between the good and the bad.

Even Google has given orders and guidelines for the link and link building

For example :

  • Prohibition on  selling and buying of these links,
  • Acquiring such links at the quantity is not allowed,
  • And don’t get deceptive by linking and don’t ask others to use CSS to hide your website.



Link building is considered a very important factor in ranking the webpage in the google search engine, but there is something the marketers should not forget.  The customers like new and fresh content, so there are always new places where you can create, share your new content. It will help in the growth of your business and provide you with more link-building opportunities.


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Picture of Shiv Gupta

Shiv Gupta

Shiv Gupta started his journey in the digital marketing world at the age of 17. He grabbed deep knowledge of the industry and earned multiple awards. Incrementors was founded by him to provide the best marketing solution to struggling businesses with a goal to help them achieve higher sales and conversions. Incrementors don't give fluff or “high-level” advice. They just give an insanely actionable plan that works.

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