How to Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly - 11 Best Practices

How to Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly – 11 Best Practices

Mobile devices are increasingly becoming the preferred way of accessing the internet for many people. According to StatCounter, mobile devices accounted for 55.73% of the global web traffic in August 2021, surpassing desktops and tablets. This means that more than half of your potential customers are likely to visit your website from their smartphones or tablets.

If your website is not optimized for mobile devices, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to reach and engage your target audience. A mobile-friendly website can help you improve your user experience, increase your conversion rates, boost your SEO rankings, and enhance your brand reputation.

But what does it mean to have a mobile-friendly website? And how can you make your website mobile-friendly?

In this article, we will answer these questions and provide you with some practical tips and best practices to optimize your website for mobile devices.

What is a Mobile-Friendly Website?

A mobile-friendly website is one that seamlessly adapts to the screen size and orientation of the device used to access it. It ensures that the content, layout, navigation, and functionality of the website remain consistent and user-friendly across various devices.

It’s important to note that a mobile-friendly website differs from a mobile version of a website. A mobile version is a separate website specifically designed for mobile devices, often with a distinct domain or subdomain (e.g., Mobile versions may feature different content, features, and design compared to the desktop version.

In contrast, a mobile-friendly website is a unified platform that employs responsive web design techniques to accommodate different device screens while retaining the same content, features, and design as the desktop version.

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Why is a Mobile-Friendly Website Important?

Having a mobile-friendly website is important for several reasons:

  • User experience: A mobile-friendly website provides a superior user experience, facilitating easy access and interaction for visitors on their preferred devices. This leads to reduced bounce rates, as users are more likely to stay on a website that is user-friendly and easy to navigate.
  • Conversion rate: A mobile-friendly website can help you increase your conversion rate, as visitors are more likely to take action on your website if it is optimized for mobile devices. For example, a mobile-friendly website can make it easier for visitors to fill out forms, make purchases, or contact you.
  • SEO ranking: A mobile-friendly website can help you improve your SEO ranking, as Google and other search engines favour websites that are mobile-friendly. Google uses mobile-first indexing, which means that it crawls and indexes the mobile version of your website first, and uses it to rank your website in the search results. If your website is not mobile-friendly, it may negatively affect your SEO ranking and visibility.
  • Brand reputation: Demonstrating a commitment to your customers’ needs by maintaining a mobile-friendly website can bolster your brand reputation. It also distinguishes your business from competitors, showcasing professionalism and credibility.

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How to Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

Making your website mobile-friendly may seem like a daunting task, but it is not as difficult as you may think. Here are some tips and best practices to help you make your website mobile-friendly:

1. Start with a mobile-first approach:

A mobile-first approach is the practice of designing and developing your website for mobile devices first, and then scaling it up for larger screens. This way, you can ensure that your website is optimized for mobile devices from the start and that you prioritize the most important and relevant content and features for your mobile users.

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How to Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly - 11 Best Practices

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2. Use a responsive theme or template:

A responsive theme or template is a pre-designed layout that automatically adjusts to the screen size and orientation of the device that is used to view it. Using a responsive theme or template can save you time and hassle, as you do not have to create separate versions of your website for different devices. You can find many responsive themes and templates for various platforms, such as WordPress, Shopify, Wix, Squarespace, and more.

How to Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly - 11 Best Practices

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3. Optimize your images and videos:

Images and videos are essential elements of your website, as they can attract and engage your visitors. However, they can also slow down your website and affect your performance, especially on mobile devices. To optimize your images and videos, you should compress them to reduce their file size, use the appropriate format and resolution, and use responsive images and videos that adapt to the screen size and orientation of the device.

Here are some tools and plugins that can be used to optimize images and videos for mobile devices:

  • TinyPNG: TinyPNG is a free online tool that compresses PNG images without sacrificing quality.
  • ImageOptim: ImageOptim is a free desktop app that optimizes PNG and JPEG images.
  • Squoosh: Squoosh is a free web app that optimizes PNG, JPEG, and WebP images.
  • WP Smush: WP Smush is a free WordPress plugin that compresses PNG and JPEG images.
  • EWWW Image Optimizer: EWWW Image Optimizer is a free WordPress plugin that compresses PNG, JPEG, and WebP images.
  • Imagify: Imagify is a premium WordPress plugin that compresses PNG, JPEG, and WebP images.

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How to Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly - 11 Best Practices

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4. Simplify your layout and navigation.

A simple and clear layout and navigation can make your website more user-friendly and intuitive, especially on mobile devices. You should avoid cluttering your website with too many elements, such as images, text, buttons, menus, and ads. You should also use a consistent and logical structure for your website, and make it easy for your visitors to find what they are looking for. Some best practices for your layout and navigation include:

  • Use a single-column layout that can fit on any screen size and orientation.
  • Use a hamburger menu or a collapsible menu that can hide or show the navigation options when needed.
  • Use clear and descriptive labels for your menu items and buttons, and avoid using icons or abbreviations that may confuse your visitors.
  • Use a sticky header or footer that can provide quick access to your menu, search, and contact options.
  • Use breadcrumbs or indicators that can show your visitors where they are on your website and how to go back to the previous page.

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5. Make your content easy to read and scan

The content of your website is the most important part of your website, as it provides the information and value that your visitors are looking for. However, reading and scanning content on a mobile device can be challenging, as the screen size and orientation may affect the readability and visibility of your content. To make your content easy to read and scan, you should:

  • Use large and standard fonts that are legible and consistent across your website.
  • Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to break up your content and highlight the main points.
  • Use contrast and whitespace to create a clear and comfortable visual hierarchy and balance for your content.
  • Use clear and concise language that is easy to understand and relevant to your audience.
  • Avoid using pop-ups, overlays, or interstitials that may interrupt or distract your visitors from your content.

How to Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly - 11 Best Practices

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6. Optimize your forms and buttons

Forms and buttons are essential elements of your website, as they enable your visitors to take action on your website, such as subscribing to your newsletter, filling out a survey, making a purchase, or contacting you. However, filling out forms and clicking on buttons on a mobile device can be frustrating and tedious, as the screen size and orientation may affect the usability and accessibility of your forms and buttons. To optimize your forms and buttons, you should:

  • Use large and visible buttons that are easy to tap and click on any device.
  • Use clear and descriptive labels for your buttons, and avoid using generic terms such as “Submit” or “Click here”.
  • Use appropriate input types and attributes for your form fields, such as email, number, date, tel, etc., to activate the relevant keyboard and options for your visitors.
  • Use placeholders and hints to guide your visitors on what to enter in your form fields, and provide feedback and validation to confirm or correct their input.
  • Minimize the number of form fields and steps required to complete your forms, and only ask for the essential and relevant information from your visitors.
  • Turn off autocorrect and autofill on your forms, as they may interfere with your visitors’ input and preferences.

How to Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly - 11 Best Practices

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7. Enable Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is an open-source framework that allows you to create fast and lightweight web pages that can load instantly on mobile devices. AMP pages can improve your user experience, performance, and SEO ranking, as they can provide a smooth and seamless browsing experience for your visitors. To enable AMP on your website, you need to create a separate version of your web pages that follow the AMP specifications and guidelines. You can use various tools and plugins to help you create and validate your AMP pages, such as the AMP plugin for WordPress, the AMP validator, and the AMP optimizer.

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8. Utilize Media Queries

Media queries are a vital tool for responsive web design. They allow you to apply specific styles to your website based on the screen size and orientation of the user’s device. By employing media queries in your CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), you ensure that your website’s layout and design adapt seamlessly to various devices.

Media queries enable you to:

  • Adjust Layout: You can reorganize the layout of your content for different screen sizes. For example, you might display a two-column layout on desktop screens but switch to a single-column layout for mobile devices.
  • Modify Typography: With media queries, you can alter font sizes and spacing to ensure text remains legible on smaller screens without compromising readability on larger displays.
  • Hide or Show Elements: Certain elements that are essential on desktop may not be necessary on mobile. Media queries allow you to hide or show elements selectively based on screen size, preventing clutter and improving user experience.
  • Optimize Images: You can use media queries to serve appropriately sized images for different devices. This reduces the load time and data usage for mobile users, enhancing performance.

Incorporating media queries into your CSS ensures that your website provides a consistent and visually appealing experience across a wide range of devices, from smartphones and tablets to desktop computers.


How to Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly - 11 Best Practices
Source: qsstechnosoft

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9. Use Standard Fonts

The choice of fonts plays a significant role in maintaining a consistent and user-friendly design across devices. While creative and unique fonts can add character to your website, they may not always render correctly on all devices due to font compatibility issues.

To ensure that your website’s text displays as intended across various platforms, consider using standard fonts that are readily available on most devices. These fonts are commonly referred to as web-safe fonts. Examples of web-safe fonts include Arial, Helvetica, Times New Roman, Georgia, and Courier New.

By selecting standard fonts, you minimize the risk of text appearing distorted or unreadable on certain devices, improving the overall user experience.

How to Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly - 11 Best Practices

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10. Give Links Enough Space

When designing for mobile devices, it’s essential to pay attention to the touch accessibility of clickable elements like links and buttons. Mobile users interact with websites using their fingers, which are larger and less precise than mouse pointers. To prevent accidental clicks and frustration, ensure that these elements have sufficient spacing around them.

Here’s how to provide adequate space for links and buttons:

  • Padding: Apply padding around links and buttons to create a comfortable touch target. A minimum size of 44 x 44 pixels is recommended as a touch-friendly dimension.
  • Margins: Separate clickable elements from nearby content using margins. This prevents users from inadvertently tapping the wrong item.
  • Consider Finger Size: Keep in mind that fingers vary in size, so it’s better to err on the side of larger touch targets to accommodate a broader range of users.

By giving links and buttons ample space, you enhance touch accessibility, reduce user frustration, and contribute to a more enjoyable mobile browsing experience.

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11. Reduce the Number of Pop-Ups

Pop-ups, overlays, and interstitials can be disruptive and frustrating for mobile users. While they serve various purposes, such as collecting email addresses or displaying special offers, excessive use of these elements can deter visitors and negatively impact user experience.

To strike a balance between achieving your goals and providing a pleasant mobile experience, consider these strategies:

  • Minimize Pop-Ups: Limit the use of pop-ups to crucial interactions or moments when they provide significant value to the user.
  • Use Timed Triggers: Implement timed triggers so that pop-ups appear after users have spent some time on your site or have completed a specific action, indicating their interest.
  • Provide Easy Closures: Ensure that users can easily dismiss pop-ups if they are not interested. Clear and intuitive close buttons or gestures can prevent frustration.
  • Opt for Inline Content: Instead of pop-ups, consider incorporating important information or calls to action directly within the page’s content. This reduces disruption while keeping users engaged.

Balancing your website’s goals with user experience is essential for retaining mobile visitors and encouraging positive interactions.

How to Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly - 11 Best Practices

How can I make my website mobile-friendly for free?

If you’re looking for cost-effective ways to make your website mobile-friendly, there are several free tools and resources available. You can use website builders like WordPress or Wix, which offer responsive templates and plugins. Additionally, Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test can help you identify issues and improvements needed for mobile compatibility.

Why is my website not mobile-friendly?

Several factors can contribute to your website not being mobile-friendly. Common issues include a lack of responsive design, oversized images, complex navigation menus, and text that is too small to read on mobile screens. Regularly testing your website’s mobile-friendliness and addressing these issues is essential.

How do I make my website responsive on all mobile devices?

To ensure your website is responsive on all mobile devices, follow best practices such as using a responsive design, optimizing images, simplifying navigation, prioritizing content, testing across various devices, and ensuring compatibility with popular mobile browsers. This comprehensive approach will help you reach a broader audience and provide an excellent user experience on any device.


Making your website mobile-friendly is not only a good practice, but also a necessity in today’s digital world. A mobile-friendly website can help you reach and engage more customers, increase your conversion rates, boost your SEO ranking, and enhance your brand reputation.

To make your website mobile-friendly, you need to follow some tips and best practices, such as:

  • Start with a mobile-first approach
  • Use a responsive theme or template
  • Optimize your images and videos
  • Simplify your layout and navigation
  • Make your content easy to read and scan
  • Optimize your forms and buttons
  • Enable Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
  • Utilize Media Queries
  • Use Standard Fonts
  • Give Links Enough Space
  • Reduce the Number of Pop-Ups

By following these tips and best practices, you can make your website mobile-friendly and provide a better user experience for your visitors.

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Picture of Mallami Adekunle

Mallami Adekunle

Kunle Mallami is a digital entrepreneur with expertise in website design, digital marketing, brand strategy and digital content writing. When he's not doing any of these, he will probably be on YouTube learning.

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