Temu's Global Expansion Strategies for Conquering New Markets

Temu’s Global Expansion: Strategies for Conquering New Markets

Temu is an online shopping platform that offers a wide range of products at incredibly low prices. It has quickly become one of the most popular apps in the world, especially among young consumers who are looking for bargains and fun. Temu’s meteoric growth has been fueled by its sophisticated and aggressive marketing strategy, which leverages social media platforms such as TikTok and YouTube to create viral content and generate buzz for its products.

Temu is owned by PDD Holdings, a US-listed company formerly known as Pinduoduo, which also operates a hugely successful e-commerce platform in China.

Temu launched in the US in 2022 and soon dominated the market, surpassing its closest rival, the fast fashion giant Shein. In 2023, Temu expanded to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and several European countries, including France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Temu’s global expansion has created ripples in the cross-border e-commerce market, as it challenges the traditional players and disrupts the industry.

In this article, we will explore how Temu has achieved its global expansion, and what strategies it has used to conquer new markets. We will also discuss the challenges and opportunities that Temu faces in its international journey, and what lessons we can learn from its success.

How Temu has achieved its global expansion

Temu’s global expansion is based on three key factors: its low-cost business model, its strong supply chain network, and its massive marketing budget.

  • Low-cost business model: Temu’s main competitive advantage is selling products as cheaply as possible. It offers products that are up to 90% cheaper than those on other platforms, such as Amazon or Walmart. Temu is able to achieve this by sourcing products directly from manufacturers, eliminating intermediaries and reducing costs. Temu also uses a dynamic pricing system that adjusts prices according to demand and supply, as well as a gamified shopping experience that encourages customers to buy more items or invite friends to get discounts or coupons.
  • Strong supply chain network: Temu’s low-cost business model relies on a robust supply chain network that can deliver products quickly and efficiently to customers around the world. Temu has built a network of more than 11 million suppliers and fulfillment partners over the years, thanks to its parent company PDD, which has extensive experience and expertise in e-commerce logistics in China. Temu also uses artificial intelligence and big data to optimize its inventory management, order processing, and delivery tracking.
  • Massive marketing budget: Temu’s global expansion is also driven by its huge marketing budget, which it spends on various channels and platforms to attract and retain customers. Temu has invested heavily in advertising on social media platforms such as TikTok and YouTube, where it creates viral content that showcases its products in humorous, quirky, or surprising ways. Temu also works with influencers who have large and loyal followings on these platforms and pays them to promote its products or coupons in their videos. Temu also runs offline campaigns, such as billboards, TV commercials, or events, to increase its brand awareness and visibility.

Temu's Global Expansion: Strategies for Conquering New Markets

What strategies Temu has used to conquer new markets

Temu’s global expansion is not only based on replicating its successful formula in the US market but also on adapting to the local needs and preferences of each new market. Temu has used several strategies to conquer new markets, such as:

  • Conducting market research: Temu conducts thorough market research before entering a new market, to understand the customer behaviour, demand patterns, competitive landscape, legal regulations, and cultural nuances of each country or region. Temu uses various methods and tools to collect data and insights from potential customers, such as surveys, focus groups, online forums, social media analytics, or web scraping.
  • Localizing product offerings: Temu localizes its product offerings according to the specific needs and tastes of each market. Temu tailors its product categories, selection, quality standards, pricing strategies, payment methods, and customer service to suit local customers’ expectations and preferences. For example, in Europe, Temu offers more fashion items than in the US market, where it focuses more on home goods. In Australia and New Zealand, Temu offers more outdoor products than in other markets.
  • Building local partnerships: Temu builds local partnerships with various stakeholders to facilitate its entry and operation in each market. Temu partners with local suppliers who can provide quality products at low prices, local logistics providers who can ensure fast and reliable delivery, local media outlets who can help spread the word about its brand, and local authorities who can help comply with the legal requirements.

What challenges and opportunities does Temu face in its international journey?

Temu’s global expansion is not without challenges and risks. Temu faces several challenges and opportunities in its international journey, such as:

  • Regulatory compliance: Temu has to comply with the different laws and regulations of each country or region it operates in, which may vary significantly from its home market. Temu has to deal with issues such as taxes, tariffs, customs, consumer protection, data privacy, intellectual property, labour rights, environmental standards, and anti-trust laws. Temu also has to cope with the political and economic uncertainties that may affect its business operations in some markets.
  • Customer satisfaction: Temu has to ensure that its customers are satisfied with its products and services, which may be difficult given its low-cost business model. Temu has to deal with issues such as product quality, delivery time, customer service, returns and refunds, reviews and ratings, and customer loyalty. Temu also has to cope with the negative publicity and complaints that may arise from its controversial practices, such as circumventing US anti-forced labour sanctions, forcing suppliers into difficult conditions, or spying on its users.
  • Competitive pressure: Temu has to compete with the existing players in each market, who may have more established brands, loyal customers, or better products or services. Temu has to deal with the competition from global giants such as Amazon or Walmart, as well as local players such as Shein or Zalando. Temu also has to cope with the potential entry of new players who may copy or challenge its business model or strategy.


Temu is a rising star in the e-commerce industry, thanks to its effective and aggressive global expansion strategy. It uses a low-cost business model, a strong supply chain network, and a massive marketing budget to attract and retain customers around the world. It also adapts to the local needs and preferences of each market by conducting market research, localizing product offerings, and building local partnerships.

However, Temu also faces several challenges and opportunities in its international journey, such as regulatory compliance, customer satisfaction, competitive pressure, and more. By learning from its success and overcoming its challenges, Temu can continue to grow and thrive in the global market.


Q: What is Temu?

A: Temu is an online shopping platform that offers a wide range of products at incredibly low prices. It has quickly become one of the most popular apps in the world, especially among young consumers who are looking for bargains and fun.

Q: Who owns Temu?

A: Temu is owned by PDD Holdings, a US-listed company formerly known as Pinduoduo, which also operates a hugely successful e-commerce platform in China.

Q: Which countries does Temu operate in?

A: Temu operates in several countries around the world, including the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Q: How does Temu achieve its low prices?

A: Temu achieves its low prices by sourcing products directly from manufacturers, eliminating intermediaries and reducing costs. Temu also uses a dynamic pricing system that adjusts prices according to demand and supply, as well as a gamified shopping experience that encourages customers to buy more items or invite friends to get discounts or coupons.

Q: How does Temu market its products?

A: Temu markets its products by advertising on social media platforms such as TikTok and YouTube, where it creates viral content that showcases its products in humorous, quirky, or surprising ways. Temu also works with influencers who have large and loyal followings on these platforms and pays them to promote its products or coupons in their videos. Temu also runs offline campaigns, such as billboards, TV commercials, or events, to increase its brand awareness and visibility.

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Picture of Mallami Adekunle

Mallami Adekunle

Kunle Mallami is a digital entrepreneur with expertise in website design, digital marketing, brand strategy and digital content writing. When he's not doing any of these, he will probably be on YouTube learning.

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